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World Champion Austria – The Yearbook on the Business Location 2024

In World Champion Austria 2024 - The Yearbook of the Business Location, you can find detailed interviews with the country's 40 most exciting decision-makers to find out how crisis competence is compatible with innovation - on land and at sea, on rail and in the air, in the machine hall, in the laboratory and on the festival stage.  

Let yourself be carried away by the latest developments in the local biotech scene – from programmed bacteria to personalized cancer therapy. Find out how business and research clusters facilitate the birth of unicorns, how new materials are revolutionizing production, how new technologies enable climate change, where craftsmanship is still valued - and why digital humanism must show the limits of artificial intelligence. Digitalization also has many faces in Austria: Investments in R&D, high-tech and robotics have paid off – for traditional Austrian companies and for the completely new players on the market.  

But also countless conversations that World Champion Austria 2024 - author Alexander Haide has had for this compendium with CEOs, entrepreneurs, founders, politicians, researchers and leaders to talk about their very personal approach to success. Many Austrian companies are world champions in their industries – let yourself be inspired.  

Shipping Cost AT: 3,30€, DE: 6,5€ - when ordering several guides shipping costs on request

Preis: € 27.50


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1 x World Champion Austria – The Yearbook on the Business Location 2024 € 27.50

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